Let me start with telling you what
PlayStation Home is. It's already on your PS3 right under your account
information and above the store. It's an avatar-based chatroom and
more. You get to go on Quests & play games with friends, but best of
all, it's FREE. All you have to do is download it. FYI just because
it's there doesn't mean you have to play it. It isn't downloaded until
you choose to download it.
Now it seems to good to be true, right?
Kind of. The catch is if you want another apartment (they do give you
one) or cute clothes to dress up your avatar it does cost real money.
However, it's not that costly, but it can add up if you're not careful.
Most items (clothes, shoes, accessories) run about .50 - 2.00.
Apartments are more ranging from 4.99 to 9.99, I believe. Also they do
give you clothes, hairstyles, shoes, etc. by playing some of the games /
quests . Rewards are usually clothes, hairstyles, shoes, and all that
so you don't HAVE TO buy clothes. It's optional.
Privacy options and mic usage? Yes,
while you're out and about exploring Home you can make a "group" or
someone can invite you to theirs. You can type within that group and
only the group see your typing. This goes with using mic as well. All
you have to do to talk using your mic is hold down R2 and let go when
you're done talking. Again, no one outside of the group can hear you.
You don't even have to be in the same spaces as your friends to talk to
type. You'll also want to learn the following codes:
/G = Group
/L = Local (Public)
/C = Club Chat
/A = Activity
Why are these important? Because it's
easier to go from group to local. Just because you're in a group doesn't
mean you'll want to always stay within that group, you know?
If you're new to Home you'll spawn in a place called The Hub. If you don't want to stay there simply hit start then go into your navigator. Every place listed in the navigator you can go to so go out and enjoy to your hearts content!
If you're new to Home you'll spawn in a place called The Hub. If you don't want to stay there simply hit start then go into your navigator. Every place listed in the navigator you can go to so go out and enjoy to your hearts content!
Have a good night and if you have any questions, ask!
P.S. I'll make a review on my favorite places on Home later.
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