Here you'll be able to find FAQ's of Home and PlayStation. 

Q. Where am I? 
A. Chances are you're at the Hub. It's the place you first arrive every time you start Home and yes, all those people running around are real.

Q. What do I do next?

A. Hit start to access your Navigator. From there you'll see a list of spaces and games to go out and explore. Simply download a space and go.

Q. What are rewards? 

A.Think of rewards as the trophies of Home. You earn them by playing games or visiting friends. Some of them will be limited so be sure to get them while you can.

Q. How do I change my pop up color?

A. Easy. Follow this path. Start > Options > Display > Pop Up Color

Q. How do I type?

A. Hit triangle and your on screen keyboard will pop up. If you have a USB keyboard simply just plug it in next to where your controller cord charger is! Type like you would normally.

Q. Can I use my mic on Home?

A. Yes, you can. Simply hit R2 to talk in a group, club channel or your apartment. It doesn't work if you're not in one of those 3 channels. :)

Q. What is a group? 

A. A group is a channel you can create while on Home. When you accept a group invite you'll be automatically typing within the group channel (meaning only the people in that group can see your text), to switch back to the local channel simply type /L. You only need to type /L once to go back to local chat. To go back to the group channel simply type /G.

You can also use your mic while on this channel and you do not need to be near each other to read the text or hear people in your group. In fact, you can be in a totally different space.

Q. Why do I need to clear my cache?
A. If you're having more trouble with PlayStation Home or lag than usual it's best to clear the cache. Usually it builds up after time & makes Home act a little funny. 

Q. How do I clear my cache?
A. There are two ways to do this. You can simply delete and reinstall Home or hit Start > Options > Cache > Clear Cache If you are doing it by hitting start & all that, you will be temporarily disconnected from PlayStation Home. 

Q. How do I redeem codes on PlayStation?
A. Simple! Simply go into the PlayStation Store. In the upper right hand corner you'll see the icons pictured above. It's the circled icon.

Q. How do I pair my Bluetooth? 
A. I'll make a video how to do this later. For now just ask me & I'll guide you through it.