Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Apartment; PlayStation Home Mansion - 2nd Floor

Price: $4.99

Rating: ★★★★☆
Rooms: 4 rooms; bedroom, bathroom, library and  game room.
Games: Darts & American pool.
Rewards: Gold Monitor, Gold Bed, Golden Throne, Gold Carpet
Extras: This place comes fully furnished and gives you the 4 rewards mentioned above.
Overall: Out of the mansion spaces I'd say this is the one worth your money because it has more house appeal then other parts of the mansion.

Click here for still images used in this set and more details.

Looking for another part of the Mansion? Links below: 
Home Mansion Garage

- cesa

1 comment:

  1. The graphics of this Quebec furnished apartment rental game is tremendously awesome, i would like to play this game atleast once.
