Thursday, June 28, 2012

Blog Update

I have been missing from here for awhile, but I'm back now.  I spent most of the day on the blog's layout and I added tabs up top to sort of make it easier on myself and you. Feel free to click on them and read them.

I'm currently trying to get pictures organized to show you and writing things in a notebook so I don't lose what I've done along the way. Home can be rather confusing especially if you have my memory. :) I'm also debating on having someone else help me with this blog, but I'm not sure about that yet.

I should have my first post up tomorrow. I run this blog and another so I am trying to find a balance between both. I think for awhile I'm going to post a lot of places until I get caught up. After that it will be once a week on Fridays to show you what's new on Home.

Thanks for being patient!

- cesa

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