Just a quick post about my FAVORITE downloadable game from Playstation Network.
Fat Princess, how I love thee! I've put
in about 2,000 hours into that game. Yes, 2,000 HOURS. I've been
playing since '09 when it came out and I just can never leave the game
entirely. I, along with my boyfriend, are even in a clan called the
Broccoli Crew.
There are several types of game play,
but everyone usually plays Rescue the Princess. The concept is simple:
steal the other teams princess & keep yours. You have a range of
classes to all work together as a team to accomplish this. I'm bad at
describing so I'll show you the best 32 online games I've ever played in
and why this game is truly great. Be sure to watch this in HD.
As great as this game there are some downfalls. Aside from the normal glitching that comes with all multiplayer games this one will actually crashes a lot more than it should. There hasn't been a patch or new maps or any updates what-so-ever in a year and there seems to be no hope for a future at this point despite it being in the top 10 downloadable games of 2011. What a waste.
Anyway, the clan that I'm apart of (Broccoli Crew) are always practicing on Saturdays so if you have the game come out and join us. If not then maybe we'll meet on the battlefield. ヽ(;^o^ヽ)
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